Srinjayee Paul

May 20, 20203 min

Well being for Productive, Efficient, Organized and Structured Teams:

Updated: Jun 29, 2020

It has been rightly said-‘A healthy employee is a wealthy employee’. When your employees are emotionally, physically, spiritually, economically and mentally fit, their productivity increases and they can perform in a much better and organized way, thus multiplying the profits of the organization. When the workplace experience of an employee is fulfilling, his/her efficiency increases manifold. Mental Balance is a crucial factor in deciding the performance of a person.

In recent years, companies are shifting their focus towards the emotional well-being of their employees. It is not just about a high paycheck anymore. Workplace relationships, that is, relationships shared by employees with their colleagues and social connectivity largely influence the efficiency of employees. Employee well-being measures are being extensively taken by companies which also include flexible work hours, extending child care support and telecommuting.

Workplace wellness starts with maintaining a healthy atmosphere in the office workspace, and ensuring that there is cohesiveness among the members of a team working on projects. With developing bonds and understanding between team members, tasks become easier to coordinate and execute. This is where Team Building comes in. Team Building strategies are a proven method in assisting to build healthy and strong interpersonal relationships among employees. Corporate organizations are increasingly adopting Team Building strategies to ensure a rewarding work experience for their employees.

Related activity:

Musical Miracle-The Power of Music:

Music paves the way to the soul. Music triggers the release of neurochemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, cortisol and oxytocin, which are ‘feel-good’ hormones known for regulating stress, happiness and positivity. Playing music in a group leads to a comprehensive, overall upliftment of mood of all members in the group. Oxytocin fosters the ability to connect to others, thus assisting in improving relations with colleagues and allowing introverted employees to come out of their shell and interact with their team and contribute to it.

Participating as a group in musical contests unifies the group and lets employees get to know their team better, and on a more personal level, their taste in music, their likes and dislikes, what interests them etc.,. Music energizes the soul and pumps in enthusiasm, which in turn helps refresh the employee’s mind, allowing him/her to focus better on the work at hand. Some of the innumerable benefits of music include reducing stress and anxiety, decreasing fatigue and improving the heart rate.

Engage your team in one such enthralling musical journey:

Magic of Mindfulness:

Mindfulness Meditation is bringing all the elements of your consciousness together and focusing on the present, without worrying about the secondary aspects for the time-being. It isn’t an inborn trait, but rather is an acquired skill that can be mastered over a period of time with consistent effort.

Several studies in recent years have shown that mindfulness based sessions have an overall positive and long-lasting impact on individuals, and are also responsible for a wholesome positive change in the lifestyle of a person. And with evolving technology, it has been scientifically proven with the help of methods such as MRI and EEG that this has neurological advantages as well.

But it is near impossible to practice meditation in the heat of a fired up debate. Calming oneself down and executing the meditation process is the last thing that would cross a person’s mind while involved in an argument. This is where guided meditation would assist. You just have to be able to reach out to your phone and follow along with your guide as he takes you through the meditative steps. It has been proven to reduce the secretion of adrenaline, lower blood pressure and result in better functioning of the immune system.

Be a part of a serene journey which soothes and calms your mind:

Graciousness of Giving:

Giving is as much a fulfilling experience for the person giving as it is for the person on the receiving end. Giving helps improve social connection as our help might be reciprocated at some point of time in our life, down the lane. Kindness and generosity go a long way and help people form a positive impression about us. Gifting something to your employees will make them perceive you as a caring and concerned leader, a boss who is considerate about the well-being of his employees.

Giving evokes gratitude. It strengthens social as well as emotional bonds. Giving as a team rather than as an individual leads to the greatest feeling of elation.

Employees can be teamed to perform charity, or collect money for a social cause. This is a brilliant team building activity, which not just contributes towards a noble purpose, but also develops the soft skills of the team members, as they have to constantly cooperate with each other and chalk out their strategies for fundraising.

Experience the joy of giving with just one click:
